Monday, April 23, 2012

Yard Work is Hard Work

On Saturday we decided to attack the side yard near the woods next to our home. It was completely overgrown with vines, old leaves and debris from years gone by. Since we moved in two years ago (boy has time flown) we have never cared much for the overgrowth. I always knew we would be moving again, hopefully out of North Carolina and back to the West Coast. I never wanted to really put the effort into taming the woods next to our home, but now things have changed. We know we will live here for at least the next four years before we are off on our next adventure. It was time to fully embrace the home we are currently living in. 

I love yard work and feel completely at peace when my hands are in the dirt. The kids enjoy planting, but despise pulling weeds. I was pleasantly surprised when Alyssa threw herself into the yard work along side of me. It took us over two hours to pull out all the vines. Then we had to rake the old leaves and debris into piles. She was such an amazing help!

Taking a much needed break!

Delaney and Braxton helped by pulling all the vines into piles. They needed many breaks and enjoyed popping bubble wrap while they relaxed.

Hotch spent the two hours we were working crazy hard, slowly putting together the new cart he bought for the kids. I think he wanted to avoid as much yard work as he could. That man is crafty!

Braxton cracks me up! We tease him relentlessly and he in turn threatens to get us back. He was sick of me taking his photo and calling out his name.

The little ones worked hard too! They had to gather all the vines we  had pulled and put in heaping piles. Then they had to load the cart and pull it down to the enormous pile we made that day.

Alyssa and Hotch are thick as thieves! She jumped right in to help her dad. They attacked the stumps we found buried with great determination. Felt bad when I was the one to get the final successful pull of the first stump. Left the next one alone so as not to steal their glory.

 Hotch ended up digging us six holes for our new gardenia plant, hydrangeas and rose bushes. He promised to dig the last four holes for our new azaleas tomorrow. It has been raining ever since we Saturday. I'm sure the plants are grateful for the moisture. Took this today of the now very wet and weighed down pile from Saturday.

I was so tired after five hours of yard work that I couldn't bring myself to take a photo that day. Here is a sneak peek of our progress, but more pictures will follow as we finish the job. This fall we will plant hundreds of bulbs in this spot across from the bulbs we planted last year.

Every time I see or smell gardenias they remind me of my mother. Just had to have a gardenia plant for my garden. Love you tons mom!

Might not look like we did a lot, but all of that dirt was covered with about six inches of vines and debris. Not so fun!

Here are our hydrangeas and dwarf roses. They were battered by the rain this weekend, but it looks like the hydrangeas faired much better than the roses. Love the rocks the kids placed in our garden. 

Future site of the azaleas.

Love the bulbs from last year and can't wait to see all the color next spring once we plant more next to the gardenia plant.

I can't wait to finish the job and see what it looks like. Hotch needs to mow the lawn too, but it is going to be beautiful when we are done. Our goal is to have one of the prettiest yards on the street.

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