Sunday, April 1, 2012

Snowflake, the moth

We don't have any pets because I am not a huge fan of animals. This mom is well aware that the burden would fall on my shoulders which would mean in the end the pet would have to go.

Tonight for about 15 minutes one little girl's dreams of having a "pet" came true.

Delaney is our insect lover and tonight she found a moth that had made its way into the house. She was overjoyed that she was able to catch it and take it for a walk.

She said she trained it to sit on the lid so she could take it for a walk in the hall.

What an obedient moth!

It did disobey and flew off the lid onto the floor. She tried so hard to get it back on the lid herself.

Delaney is not the most gentle child, but boy did she ever attempt to gently pick it up.

Had to call Daddy out to the rescue. Love how Lane is trying to help him.

"Listen to Daddy," Delaney urged in a sweet tender voice.

She was so ecstatic that Daddy was able to put the moth back on its lid.

It was so darling watching Delaney absolutely fascinated by her moth.

Snowflake, the moth.

When Snowflake got away again Daddy had to come help Delaney get it back on its lid one last time.

Saying good-bye to Snowflake. No little girl could have loved a moth more.


  1. So sweet. And now she has the pictures and story to remember Snowflake by. = )
