Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Little Dancing Queen

Delaney loves to dance! She is our little dancing queen. This year she is taking a preschool tumbling/ballet class. Yesterday was her class pictures and she finally got to wear her costume. We had to curl her hair which I was dreading. Since her hair is just like mine (thick and straight) I assumed it would be very difficult to curl and almost impossible to keep the curl for very long. My assumptions were correct, but isn't she adorable!

Here she is after class pictures. At least she had a little bit of a wave to her hair. She looks like a little doll. I love her dance poses! 

Last night as Hotch looked at her photos he just shook his head. In a few years we'll have beat boys away with a stick. She sure is a total knock out. Glad that she has found a talent to develop and an avenue to express herself through. Next talent to develop is soccer!

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