Sunday, April 15, 2012

Titanic 100th Anniversary

On April 15th 2012 we remembered the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic by watching the movie Titanic with the kids (mind you we skipped the topless scene). Alyssa had seen in the movie years ago, but Brax and Lane have never been exposed to the Titanic's tragic fate. Poor little angels just wept uncontrollably as the tragic saga unfolded. Broke my heart to see them so very shaken, but there are much worse things that have occurred throughout the history of humanity (like the Holocaust) that they will learn about in the years to come. This was a safe, controlled way to allow a little of the tragedies and injustices of life to seep into their world.

Ever since I was a little girl the Titanic has been a point of intrigue. We have many books (just ask Hotch he knows I can't pass up a good Titanic book) and I watch anything I can find on the subject. Hotch and I were able to visit the Titanic exhibition years ago while living in Utah. It was a powerful experience not to be forgotten. So grateful that the Titanic exhibition will open on May 5th at the South Carolina State Museum. We are going to take the kids!

We will be studying the Titanic all day.
Here on the resources (many are pdf files) we are using for our Titanic study.

Here is a lovely video with original 1912 footage.

Found this video today and thought it had a sweet song about the Titanic.

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