Friday, October 5, 2012

Lincoln's Tomb at Oak Ridge Cemetery-Springfield, IL

After we finished up at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum we had to rush over to the Lincoln Tomb located in the Oak Ridge Cemetery before it closed. Thankfully, we made it just in time.

We were the last people to enter the Tomb. It was so quiet and somber as we walked the marble inlaid floors. Remember that we had just come from the exhibits where we learned about his difficult, complicated life and tragic death.  We had been moved to tears as we passed the replica of his casket lying in state. It had been an emotionally heavy day.

It was a very poignant moment as we stood in the burial chamber of our most beloved 16th President Abraham Lincoln.

Behind us in the burial chamber wall was entombed his wife and three of his four sons. Mary Todd Lincoln suffered more loss in her lifetime that anyone should ever experience. In a span of twenty-one years she lost her beloved husband and three of her four children.   

Edward Baker Lincoln died a month before his 4th birthday.

William Wallace Lincoln died almost exactly 12 years after Eddie. He passed away just two months after his 11th Birthday.

Thomas Lincoln died at the age of 18 almost 9 1/2 years after Willie and a little over 6 years after his father's death.

As you can see in the photo it was a bittersweet visit to pay our respect to such a noble, good man. They tried to cheer up for the second photo.

The burial chamber gates had such beautiful details. My camera had a tough time taking a photo in the dark of the tomb.

Robert Todd Lincoln was the only Lincoln child to live until adulthood. He passed away when he was 82 years old, but is not entombed in the Lincoln crypt. His name was even placed outside of the burial chamber. He was actually buried in the Arlington National Cemetery along side his wife and only son which that died at the age of 16. 

The tomb is so beautiful! Loved seeing all the care put into the little details. Seriously, they pulled out all the stops.

Alyssa stood admiring this statue for quite a while.

Grateful that we could pay our respects to such a beloved President.

The outside of the tomb is just as beautiful as the inside. There is a reverent feeling on the grounds and everyone speaks in quiet tones. 

When we exited the tomb a sweet local man made sure we did not leave until we followed tradition. He explained to us that by rubbing Lincoln's nose we would have good luck. My kids were way too short so I had to lift them all up. It was very sweet of him to offer to take our photos, but we'll have to return again to get some great photos.

One last thing we had to find before leaving Springfield, IL was Mr. Accordion's tomb. His real name is Roy Bertelli and I love the story about how he came to own this very tomb in Oak Ridge Cemetery. He had always wanted to be buried in this cemetery and was surprised to find out that there was one plot at the front of the triangle property leading up Lincoln's tomb. He bought it immediately. A few weeks later he received a letter to explain that there had been an error in his plot purchase. Then another letter came in the mail from the cemetery's lawyer which threatened to take him to court unless he relinquished the plot. Roy intended to return the plot until that nasty letter came. Now this is my favorite part of the story and what makes me just love Roy Bertelli so much. He decided to teach the cemetery a lesson by first building his crypt above ground and then placed a large elevated tablet behind it that says, "Roy Bertelli, Mr. Accordion" on it. He visited his crypt often and would even stand upon it playing his accordion. Before his death Roy paid for his crypt's perpetual care, but was buried in another cemetery after he passed away in 2003.

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