Friday, November 16, 2012

Bob White Covered Bridge - Woolwine, VA

The Sunday before the presidential elections we took a mental hiatus. (Things got really heated and critical before this year's elections.) We decided that a lovely drive through Virginia is just what our family needed. Hotch noticed on the map that there were two covered bridges nearby as we headed toward the Blue Ridge Parkway. We love checking out rare attractions so after a unanimous family vote we headed through back roads to them.

After driving through the most gorgeous countryside and seeing such picturesque views as in the photos above we arrived at the Bob White Covered Bridge. It was just far enough off the road that we almost missed it.

Honestly, these are my favorite people because they are such a unique brand of awesome. I love how their personalities show up in these photos.

Delaney and Braxton were nervous as we crossed the bridge on foot because the boards creaked and moved beneath us. Hotch started jumping on the bridge to make it shake which really didn't help at all. Leave it to Hotch to enjoy himself thoroughly at our expense! The little ones took lots of pictures once they noticed the creek below through the cracks in the bridge.   

Let it be known that I love bridges. Covered bridges are especially full of charm and even a bit eerie. (They always remind me of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving circa 1820. Love Walt Disney's 1949 cartoon version.)

My favorite part of bridges are their beautifully symmetrical trusses. The light inside the bridge lent itself to some great truss shots.  

On our back to the car Delaney discovered Pride Rock. You can't discover Pride Rock and not reenact the scene from The Lion King.

Watching my gorgeous girl while in this gorgeous location made me sad that she is almost a teenager. Miss her being a little girl.

Aren't these fall leaves exquisite! I love all the different hues. 

We really enjoyed this gorgeous place. Since we had a blast at the first covered bridge of the day we were stoked to get to the next one. 

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the cool places you visit! Love the bridges! Something romantic about them.
