Monday, May 14, 2012

Alyssa's 12th Bday

Alyssa turned 12 on May 2nd! I can hardly believe that my sweet girl whom I used to cuddle in my arms is now a young woman. For her birthday we decided just to do lunch and a movie because we had a surprise trip planned for this special birthday. We saw The Pirates! Band of Misfits which was fitting since Alyssa is currently writing a book about pirates. Since it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday we had the entire theater to ourselves.

Afterward we headed over to the new Olive Garden for some yummy Zuppa Toscana soup, smoked mozzarella and fresh bruschetta.

Alyssa got to open her presents while we were there. She got an mp3 player which she has been using a bunch since her birthday and some other small things. On the front of her present was a picture of horses walking, trotting and cantering. It was a clue for her surprise birthday trip that weekend. 

In the LDS Church at the age of 12 boys and girls start attending youth programs called Young Men and Young Women. They also have weekly activities or mutual. Alyssa was so excited to go to YW's for the first time on her 12th birthday. She even got to meet with Presidente Argueta after having completed the Faith in God program which is for children ages 8-11. It helps them gain a testimony of Christ and live gospel principles.

We have a family tradition that started last year after we were unable to make someone's birthday cake. Hotch takes the other two kids to get the birthday kid's cake. The birthday kid stays in the car or at home with me. For some reason the kids think this is totally awesome and expect daddy to pick their cake. I don't mind at all because now I don't have to make any birthday cakes. Alyssa wanted Boston Creme Pie and Hotch delivered like always.

Happy 12th Birthday Alyssa! 
You are an old soul, wise beyond your years, faithful to the Lord, spiritually strong, charitable, kind-hearted, full of questions and a yearning for knowledge. Your detailed clay sculptures, intricately designed art pieces and creative stories amaze me. You are unique and a righteous daughter of God. You have changed my life in ways you will never understand! It is an honor to be your mother, your teacher and your friend.

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