Friday, May 18, 2012

Kentucky Horse Park-Lexington, KY

After driving for about 2 hours and a short detour to Sanders cafe, we finally arrived at the first of four surprise destinations on Alyssa's 12th Birthday trip. Anyone who knows her well is aware of her love for horses. Horse-back riding lessons was a dream of hers for years. This year we were finally able to provide that outlet for her.

As a parent I am against buying trivial, expensive or unnecessary items for my children. I prefer to provide them with experiences! For the last month I have been planning the perfect surprise for Alyssa. We wanted to incorporate many of the things she is passionate about in this special birthday trip. So where better to get your horse on than at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, KY.

We never told the kids where we were going and as we came into Lexington we thought surely she would notice the signs. Alyssa was actually too busy drawing to notice where we were, especially since we refused to tell them how close we were to the surprise. When she finally looked up as we exited the freeway she saw the sign right away. Her expression and excitement was classic! (The sun was insanely bright and my kids all have sensitive eyes so no amazing photos were to be had in front of the sign.)

As we entered the Horse Park the first thing we noticed were beautiful horse statues and the incredible landscaping.

"Frisky Filly" and "The Promise" by Gwen Reardon, 2002.

On our right was the memorial to Secretariat.

Down a ways on our left was the memorial and grave-site of Man o' War.

Behind the lovely bronze statues ("Frisky Filly" and "The Promise") is the Visitor Center where you enter the Horse Park. We had already planned to send Alyssa on a trail ride while the little ones enjoyed a Pony ride. She was so stoked when she overheard us purchasing her ticket for the trail ride. Alyssa couldn't wait to get inside the park and see some horses.

So glad we let the little ones bring their cameras. The Kentucky Horse Park includes a lot of walking and their cameras saved the day. It was too cute seeing them stop and take tons of photos.

We arrived around noon so our first stop was to get lunch at the Bit and Bridle Restaurant before Alyssa's trail ride. Now mind you this in no restaurant at all, but more of a cafeteria setting. We understand now why they are "famous" for their chili. The little ones were mesmerized by the horse races being played on all the TVs. Braxton was the blue horse and Delaney was the red horse. Neither of them won the race.

While we were waiting for our food I took a few photos of the kids. A sweet older woman sitting next to us commented on how beautiful and well behaved our children were. She then offered to take our photo. I am so grateful for her kindness! We don't have very many photos as a family because I am always taking the pictures.

Next stop trail ride.

While Alyssa waited patiently for her trail ride to begin, Braxton and Delaney went on pony rides. They had a blast! It was five times around the pretty large arena. Look how adorable they are!

The staff separated the riders into two groups: beginner with 0-9 hours of riding & experienced 10+ hours of riding. She was stoked to be in the experienced group of riders. Loved watching her mount her horse with such ease. Doesn't she look beautiful on a horse!

Alyssa had a blast for most of the trail ride until her stubborn horse decided to wander off the trail to eat some grass under a nearby tree. Then it decided to start trotting when the staff came to get it back on course. Alyssa knows how to control mild mannered horses, but this one was very hard-headed. She was so embarrassed.

Hotch stayed behind to wait for Alyssa to return from the trail ride and probably took a nap. Braxton, Delaney and I headed over to the other side of the Horse Park to check out some of the barns and take a horse drawn trolley ride. The Kentucky Horse Park is enormous. Gorgeous, but so enormous! Be prepared for a lot of walking and only a few water fountains.

All throughout the Horse Park are many amazing bronze statues of horses. They are really beautiful and hold a lot of meaning to true horse lovers or horse racing enthusiasts, both of which I am not.

After a very long, hot walk we made it over to the Kid's Barn. There are hands-on activities in each stall which teach children about horses and how to take care of them. It is perfect for children ages 1-12. Note: it gets insanely hot and humid inside the barn as the temperature rises outside. I have never sweat so much. Bring lots of water with you!

Delaney stayed in this stall the whole time we were there. She loved getting to play with all the horses. Had to remind her to share.

Braxton checked out every single stall. He has a need to open, lift and investigate everything around him.

As we were leaving Delaney decided to try her hand at harnessing a horse with Brax. Love his expression in this photo. He really did have a total blast!

Included in your ticket to the Kentucky Horse Park you get a free horse-drawn trolley ride. Braxton and Delaney thought the draft horses were cool and were anxious to take a trolley ride.

The trolley ride takes you on a short 10 minute tour around the many barns, horse cemeteries and distant grounds of the Horse Park. We opted not to take the long walk out to these barns and grounds. Glad we still got to see them while enjoying our trolley ride.

The kids were excited to pet the horses afterward. Our courageous Delaney was the first one there. No surprise at all! Timid Braxton went last and with some coaxing.

An older gentleman chatted with Hotch during the entire trolley ride and encouraged him to take us over to see the Kentucky Mounted Police. (He is an older gentleman magnet. They are drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I kid you not!) We thought we'd give it a look and were lucky to see some police as they exited the Mounted Police barn. It was pretty cool!

Afterward we headed back to the Kid's Barn so Alyssa could check it out since we went there while she was on the trail ride.

Alyssa really is a total riot!

She is just like her dad! Think Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The picture is bad, but he was completely off his rocker hilarious! I had tears streaming down my face and almost wet my pants. (Guess you had to be there!)

As we headed toward the museums Braxton spotted these birds. He must have eagle eyes because we were so far away from them at the time. Ever my sweet boy, he was really worried about them because he couldn't see their mom. We had to assure him that they would be okay!

All in all it was a great day! Totally recommend the Kentucky Horse Park if you are ever in Lexington, KY. We did visit the Kentucky Horse Park museums, but more on that in another post.

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