Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Staying at Aunt Rita's & Her Pool

We went through seven states back in June when we traveled from North Carolina to Minnesota. On our way to Minnesota we were blessed to stop in Indiana and spend the night at my husband's Aunt Rita's home. On our last night traveling back to North Carolina it was such a relief to spend the night in Indiana at Aunt Rita's again. We love Aunt Rita and Uncle Dave so much and appreciate their hospitality. The children's favorite part about staying at their home is their awesome pool. The kids were so bummed on our way to MN because there was lightning and they were unable to go swimming. On our way back through they were determined to go swimming no matter. They kept counting down the minutes until we arrived at her house!

Alyssa cracks me up so much! She put on floaties in order to mock me. (I get anxious when my kids are in pools because I can barely swim.) I can't believe that she is now a young woman. Time flies too quickly! It feels just like yesterday when she was my little one. Braxton and Delaney are way too short to touch the ground and inexperienced to swim on their own. Glad they don't mind their life jackets. They are little fish when they have those on. Love my kids!

Alyssa spent her time doing her own thing.

This little weasel spent his time trying to get me soaked.

Delaney was the first one to be done. She was ready to go play with the cat.  "I just like the cat mom!"

It was getting late and we needed to eat dinner. I was anxious to get the kids out of the pool so we could go get some Mexican food before the restaurant closed. Even after an hour and a half, Alyssa and Braxton weren't done swimming. She tried her best to convince me to let therm swim longer.

After so much driving I caved. Look at those punks mocking their mother!

As the sun was finally setting the kids finally got out of the pool.

These two crazy kids could have swam for another three hours if I let them.

Delaney was really ready to eat and play with the cat. No more photos mom!

Braxton and I hung back to admire the sunset while the girls went inside to get changed for dinner. I adore my handsome boy! He is such a cuddly, creative and hilarious little man. This boy melts my heart.

Indiana sunsets are really spectacular!

We were so excited to get to eat at El Meson before heading home. We LOVE Mexican food! Hotch and I have missed it so much since we moved out to NC. Having grown up in San Diego, CA we both were able to have Mexican food often and it never got old. Now that we live in North Carolina there is NO good Mexican food anywhere. El Meson definitely tastes rather authentic and satisfies my Mexican food craving for at least that day.

Eating lemons because they are so cool! Yummy!

After lots of swimming we were so hungry and that food was delicious!

Can't wait to eat there again! Hopefully, we can this Thanksgiving weekend.

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